Monday, August 25, 2008


So I haven't posted in over a month and still not much is going on. We moved to Leamington at the end of July but Jon stayed in Cedar to work and save up some money. He finally got here last Wednesday and it has been so wonderful!!!! It has been a really hard past year with him trying to finish up school and work two jobs. Today is his first day student teaching and he was so nervous but looked very handsome. I hope it will be a good experience for him. We are starting a little pre-school with some ladies in Leamington which will be a very good experience for Rylee. She is so unbelievably shy that she really needs to be around kids. It will be good for her. Taylor is getting big and doing the "army crawl". It is nice but not all at the same time. She is happier cause she can move but she is trying to eat everything on the floor. Its fun though. I'm just hanging out at my mom's taking care of the girls so nothing new for me. We are looking forward to these next six months or so to see what happens with us and where we go. Hopefully things will work out!!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Vacation at Zion Ponderosa

The pool at Zion Ponderosa was the funnest ever! It was a two tiered pool. The top was pretty shallow and had a little rock slide for kids. The bottom was deep and had a big rock slide. It was so much fun! Jon took Taylor down the small one a few times and Rylee loved it.
Taylor, Jon, and Marcus in the lower pool.

Rylee loved the hot tub more than the pool. I could not get her to look at me for pics. She has been funny about that lately but she loved it!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ry saw my mom trying to get a picture and was telling her to stop. It was funny!

My girls did so good camping. The camp spots were very nice and awesome individual showers and big huge clean bathrooms. That was a huge plus for us!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I just took this picture for fun. I HAVE to recommend this place to anyone who likes camping and outdoors. There are so many things to do. Swimming, a cool zip line, rock walls, paintballing, archery, four wheeling tracks for little kids and adults, horse riding, hay wagon rides, sand volleyball, tennis, playground for kids. A lot of the stuff costs money but we had an absolute blast. There is even a nice restaurant and a buffet that is pretty cheap there. Totally recommend it!!!! PLUS, hardly ANY bugs!!!!!!!!!
I just had to put this picture of Taylor cause She looks so happy. She is funny. She is moving like crazy.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Hooray!! He is home!!

My brother Marcus got home on the 24th of July. It was so great to see him again!
My parents and Marcus. Rylee was so excited to see him but as soon as he got off the plane she was terrified of him. She still, to this day, has not said one word to him. She wants to talk to him she says and as soon as he walks out of the room she starts talking about him but she will NOT talk to him. It's sad. I hope someday she will cause they would have a blast!