Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Rylee is 4 !!!!!

Rylee finally turned 4 this week. She had a great birthday as long as no one told her Happy Birthday. Family would call and talk to her for a second and then say Happy Birthday and as soon as they said those two words, she would set the phone down or hand it to me. She did not want any sort of attention on her for some reason. It was very weird. Then we had a little party that night and had her grandparents and aunt Heather there. She loved opening presents and having dinner but as soon as we lit the candles and started to sing, She started screaming!!! Face bright red and yelling "stop singing"!!!!!!! THen she started crying and we finally stopped singing. It was very very sad. As soon as we stopped, she wiped her eyes and went back to playing with her presents. I have a video but it is really sad so I didn't post it. But she had a fun birthday anyways. Thanks to her grandparents and aunt heather for the great gifts!!!!
Dr. Winters and her patient Taylor. She got a dr. kit from her grandma pace and we were her patient's all day long. Even my mom's dog was getting shots and her "blood plessure" taken, as she would say. She loved it so much!
Rylee holding her Dr. kit
Jon woke Rylee up at seven on her birthday and wanted her to open some presents. She said "Dad, maybe later I'm still tired." But he pulled her out of bed anyways. She was happy when she started opening her presents.


Susanna said...

Rylee is so funny, I love that girl! I love all your new pictures, your girls are getting so big. It sounds like Rylee had a good birthday even if she didn't want to hear it:)

Meladie said...

She seriously CRACKS me up!! I love her. I didn't think your cake was that bad! I totally thought it looked like a castle...oh, and that pic of Macie...well, isn't she just such a poser?? We have lots of those pics :)

Jess's Journey to the Land Of Skinny said...

I can't believe our girls are already 4! Well Kenny will be in a couple weeks, she is very excited and the total opposite of Rylee because she loves attention! Very cute cake by the way and it definitely looked like a castle! You are good to make one because I just beg my mom to make one, I really need to make my own. It would be great if we could hang out sometime but there never seems to be a free minute when we get to Delta!

The Knudsen Family said...

Happy Birthday Rylee. I am glad she had a good day. She is so cute. I don't even want to know what my boys will do when they see Santa. They will probably throw a huge fit. Cute new pictures and I love your cute blog layout. I also am impressed with your cake. I can tell it was a castle and think it looks pretty good. I couldn't even take a picture of the boys cake it was so bad and it was a one layer cake. Good job.

Brittney said...

Oh my gosh, Erin, your little family is soo cute! Rylee is so cute, I can't believe she's already 4! And I love your cake! I think you did a great job and it awesome you make your own! Don't feel bad about how long it took, Mason's first cake took me a whole day and a half to make lol and his second one took me at least 8 hours too! But it's pretty fun to look back at them. Miss ya tons!

Cassa Carter said...

Hey chick, how is leamington treating you? I need to get out there to see you, but everytime I go home I end up pre occupied. I miss you, and maybe I will see you around christmas. Love your guts, Cassa

Susanna said...

Thanks for your comment Erin, you're so nice! It made my day:)

Jenny Kay said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYLEE! She is so dang cute!