Monday, January 5, 2009

Taylors 1st Birthday

We just celebrated Tay's 1st birthday. She is getting so big. But she is still really small. She looks kinda funny walking around cause she still seems small to me. Here is Taylor eating ice cream. She would not eat her lady bug cupcakes. When we took the spoon from her she threw a fit for about twenty minutes. We couldn't get her to calm down. Man she has a temper.

We had a birthday party one night with the Winters and then another one the next night with the Pace's. She got soooooo many clothes and a few fun toys that she didn't really care for. Rylee really enjoyed opening all of Taylor's presents and as you can see, Taylor could care less.

These are my lady bug cupcakes I made. They aren't the greatest but at least they were a step up from the pathetic cake I made on Rylee's birthday. A lot simpler.


The Knudsen Family said...

Those are really cute cupcakes. I can't believe Taylor is 1. Happy Birthday!

Susanna said...

You need to give yourself more credit, your cupcakes are spectacular! Happy Birthday Taylor!